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Esponja 1

Rectangular bath sponge. Different colors and sizes

Esponj a2

Kids bath sponge. Different colors and shapes

Esponja 3

Loofah & Sisal Mitts

Esponja 4

Pouf net Sponge and back Scrubber

Esponja 5

Natural sea Sponge

Esponja de celulosa

Celluloser bath sponge

Presentaciones en caja de cartón

Cardbox presentation

Presentaciones en flowpack

Flow wrapped presentation

Presentaciones en sachet estandar y con etiqueta

Labeled and standard sachet presentation

Presentaciones en bolsa adhesiva

Adhesive bag presentation

Amenities contact
Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday

Monday through Friday